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Articles by arealbadboy333

arealbadboy333 55 M
5  Articles
Jane   7/23/2018

There once was a hot girl named Jane And I knew she was no doubt insane But she offered her ass So how could I pass So I fucked her again and again and again.

0 Comments, 9 Views, 0 Votes
arealbadboy333 55 M
5  Articles
You cut my grass, I'll cut yours.   5/17/2018

Katie works in the lawn care business. I'm friends with her husband, Shaun, and her go to my 's hool. We joke together at ball games and have a good friendly relationship. But I have a secret

0 Comments, 330 Views, 0 Votes
arealbadboy333 55 M
5  Articles
People that don't answer a simple IM.   5/14/2018

I know some people, like myself, only get 3 messages before having to spend points so why can't everyone else just answer a simple message? Does it annoy anyone other than myself? Are they away fr

0 Comments, 22 Views, 0 Votes
arealbadboy333 55 M
5  Articles
Ass play?   5/10/2018

What ladies out there think that having their ass played with as "gross" or "hot"? I like to think that one bodies are a playground and not much is off limits? Thoughts?

0 Comments, 6 Views, 0 Votes
arealbadboy333 55 M
5  Articles
People that don't respond   5/9/2018

How hard is it to say "No thanks." or "I'll pass". With the sketchy performance of Shagbook's Messenger, how is any to know if an actual message is getting through? I don't

0 Comments, 21 Views, 0 Votes